
Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a popular cosmetic dental treatment that can improve the appearance of your smile and boost your physical self-esteem.


Porcelain veneers improve the color, shape, and position of your teeth while also providing a natural appearance, a high level of durability, and the ability to precisely match your existing tooth color.

Veneers typically provide a long-term solution that can last up to 30 years. The longevity of veneers is heavily dependent on how well the patient cares for them, keeping them clean and away from accidental knocks.


Do you know the relationship between the dental aesthetic zone and face aging?

Lip position and the amount of tooth and gingival display during smiling and speech are important diagnostic criteria in aesthetic dentistry and orthodontics. Lips lose their flexibility and mobility as we get older. As a result of this, older people are reported to show fewer maxillary and more mandibular teeth during smiling. Therefore, adequate evaluation of lip lines is required, especially in patients with reduced tooth display, unaesthetic gingival contours, exposed posterior gingiva, asymmetry of the upper lip during smiling, and gummy smiles. All these are taken into consideration when designing dental veneers.

Frequently asked questions:

1. What are Porcelain Veneers?

A porcelain veneer is a thin layer of restorative material - E max - that is bonded onto the front side of a tooth.

2. Why E max Veneers?

Highly esthetic and natural appearance

Long-lasting quality

Variety of colors

Compatibility with the human body

3. Are Dental Veneers suitable for me?

If you have stained, slightly malposition teeth, fractured, chipped, or spaced front teeth can be treated with all-ceramic shells (veneers).

4. What is the difference between veneers and crowns?

A dental veneer is a thin layer of restorative material that is bonded onto the front side of a tooth.

Dental crowns are different from veneers because they are caps that cover your teeth entirely.

5. Are veneers the best option for crowded teeth?

Your smile can be greatly enhanced by using dental veneers. However, when it comes to crowded teeth, they work best as a solution for minor crowding. Braces or Clear aligners are preferable in more complex cases.

Testimonials from porcelain veneer patients

Payment options:

You can easily pay for your veneers today. To learn more about them, you can look at our available


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Building #41
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Tips for a beautiful smile

  • According to studies, smiling can improve your mood, lower your blood pressure, and strengthen your immune system. However, smiling might not be something you want to do if one or more of your teeth are missing.
  • The four front teeth, which you notice the most, should be evenly spaced. One lovely smile results from their symmetry.
  • The smile is incredibly attractive and sensual because of its large lips, defined dimples, and sculpted jawline.
  • Having pouty, thick lips makes you look younger.
  • Your face shape plays a vital role in determining the ideal tooth shape for a balanced and appealing smile. Faces generally fall into four categories: heart, oval, round, and square. Heart-shaped faces harmonize with rounded, shorter teeth, while oval faces benefit from square teeth that add fullness. Round faces are complemented by longer, more pronounced teeth, and square faces soften with rounded tooth shapes. By selecting the appropriate Porcelain Veneers shape, you can enhance your overall facial aesthetics and achieve the best version of your smile.