Gummy Smile
When smiling, exposing the gingiva to some extent creates a young appearance that is aesthetically pleasing. When smiling, a gingival show of 1 to 2 mm is seen as normal. Excessive gingival display commonly referred to as a "gummy smile," occurs when the upper gingiva is overexposed while smiling. In very extreme situations, the overexposed gingival tissue is noticeable even when the lips are at rest.
The causes of a gummy smile are multifaceted, and the treatment varies depending on those causes:
- Short upper lip length.
- Very flexible upper lip
- Overgrowth of the upper arch.
- An excessive amount of gum has grown over the tooth’s crown.
- Over eruption of the upper anterior teeth.
The pleasing smile:
showing at least the second premolars, little upper gingiva, no gingival recession, healthy gum filling out the upper triangle spaces, a lower lip line parallel to the upper teeth’s lower edges, the symmetry of the front and back teeth, and teeth with the proper shape, alignment, color, and shade.
Dentists classify a smile as “unattractive” if the gum line is 4 millimeters or more from the lip during a smile.
Ideal measurements of the face:
- The average length of the upper lip is 20 to 24 mm in young adults and rises with age.
- The Upper anterior teeth are shown at Rest for young ladies, it must be 3 to 4 mm, and for young men, 2 mm; nevertheless, it gets smaller as you get older.
- At rest, the usual interlabial spacing is 0 to 4 mm.
- A standard smile line shows 75% to 100% of the crowns. A low smile line—which is often a male feature—displays less than 75% of the crown. Gummy smiles, which display the entire crown and an excessive amount of gum, have a high smile line and are typically associated with women.
Gummy smile treatments:
- Lip Filler.
- Botox.
- Modified lip repositioning
- Gum Contour.
- Orthodontic treatment.
- Orthognathic surgery.