
Gum Contouring

Gum contouring surgery is performed if your gums sit too low or too high on your teeth and you are not satisfied with the appearance of your smile.

Too-low gums that partially wrap your teeth can make your teeth look small. This could be a result of heredity, a certain medical condition, or using specific prescription medications.

Too-high gums are often caused by gum recession in which gum tissue pulls back from a tooth and exposes the tooth’s root, giving your teeth a lengthy appearance.

Gum contouring alone is considered a cosmetic procedure, to enhance the appearance of a smile. But some people have essential periodontal surgeries like crown lengthening, pocket reduction, and regenerative procedures, which include gum contouring surgery.

The procedure:

The gum contouring operation is carried out by dentists using a soft tissue trimmer, scalpels, lasers, and radiosurgery. To numb the area, a local anesthetic may be used. Some dentists marked the new gum line with a pen, in this way, you can see exactly how much gum will be removed. To achieve the greatest long-term outcomes, it may occasionally be necessary to remove bone from the tooth’s front root during gum contouring.

What do you have to do during the recovery period?

  1. To reduce discomfort, take painkiller as Panadol, or Advil. Don’t use Aspirin since it may induce bleeding.
  2. For the first several days following the procedure, eat soft, cold meals, and avoid hard & spicy foods till your gums are fully healed.
  3. Consult your dentist for advice on when and how to brush your teeth during the healing period.
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Tips for a beautiful smile

  • According to studies, smiling can improve your mood, lower your blood pressure, and strengthen your immune system. However, smiling might not be something you want to do if one or more of your teeth are missing.
  • The four front teeth, which you notice the most, should be evenly spaced. One lovely smile results from their symmetry.
  • The smile is incredibly attractive and sensual because of its large lips, defined dimples, and sculpted jawline.
  • Having pouty, thick lips makes you look younger.
  • Your face shape plays a vital role in determining the ideal tooth shape for a balanced and appealing smile. Faces generally fall into four categories: heart, oval, round, and square. Heart-shaped faces harmonize with rounded, shorter teeth, while oval faces benefit from square teeth that add fullness. Round faces are complemented by longer, more pronounced teeth, and square faces soften with rounded tooth shapes. By selecting the appropriate Porcelain Veneers shape, you can enhance your overall facial aesthetics and achieve the best version of your smile.