About Us
Every time we exceed your expectation
Meet Dr. Abeer Ammouri – a distinguished figure in the realm of Cosmetic Dentistry and Aesthetic Medicine. With a notable portfolio and a dedication to excellence, Dr. Ammouri is a true professional in her field.
In 1994, Dr. Abeer Ammouri earned her degree from the University of Baghdad, marking the foundation of her remarkable journey. Fueling her passion for excellence, she pursued further education, obtaining a prestigious diploma in dental implants from the American Academy of Implant Dentistry in 2006. Driven by her commitment to aesthetic mastery, she later secured a diploma from the revered French Academy of Aesthetics in 2015. Not content with her achievements, she reached new heights by acquiring the American Board in Aesthetics Medicine from the esteemed American Academy of Aesthetics Medicine in 2017.
With an unwavering dedication to her craft, Dr. Ammouri has been seamlessly weaving the realms of dentistry and aesthetic medicine. Her private clinic has been a haven of top-tier care since 1995, continuing to flourish with her skilled expertise to this day. In her capable hands, patients find a harmonious blend of passion, knowledge, and innovative treatments that epitomize her legacy of excellence.